
Rose Diamond performs on her own and with many groups in the U.S. and abroad. She has been called a singer of “extraordinary range and power”.

In her latest recording, “The Flower of August”, her wealth of experience with traditional forms shines through in her original material.

Art Edelstein of the Times Argus gives both “If Ever I Have Had A Friend” and her new album, “The Flower of August” , the “Tammy Award” for best folk albums of the year for 2011.

A native Vermonter, Rose has been involved with singing and music making as performer and educator since way before the advent of laptops and cell phones.

She has a crisp, old fashioned Yankee drive on piano when accompanying dance tunes.

No stranger to town hall pianos of all shapes and sizes, her favorites are still the waltzes.

Listen up.

Listen to a few of the tracks from Rose’s albums below:

1. “Heavenly Banquet” – The Hermit Songs by Samuel Barber.  This is a recording of a live performance by Rose Diamond.  Piano collaborator: Dan Weiser

2. “Golden Slumbers” – Sweet Rest at Blanket Bay by Rose Diamond.

3. “Got You on my Mind” – The Flower of August by Rose Diamond.

4. “You’ve Been a Friend to Me” – If Ever I Have Had a Friend by Rose Diamond.

5. “Harrison Town” – If Ever I Have Had a Friend by Rose Diamond.

These albums are for sale. Please email me if you’d like to purchase!

Voice Work Practitioner Workshops

  1. Tones for your bones: Experience specialized singing to gently guide dissociated parts of the body
    back toward embodiment

  2. Singing to your Inner Self: Explore techniques of self nurturing by singing to unfinished emotional business

  3. Befriend Your Voice: Voice recovery for active, troubled, and novice singers

  4. Empowering our Collective Voice: Using voice and movement to retrieve the healing sound link between us

  5. Sing Your Snoring Away: Sound techniques for releasing the musculature of your face, tongue, jaw, and throat

What you can expect in your lessons with Rose:

- find simple steps to enjoy your singing more
- learn how to self monitor your body into natural alignment
- deepen your understanding of breath flow
- establish a new orientation to sight-singing
- enjoying ear training and being creative with diction
- discover the original stamp of your voice
- learning to sing to your subconscious
- explore in a safe and entertaining atmosphere

* Students have the option of working with Rose via Zoom or Face Time.